S-ing to Downtown BW

January 12, 2011  •  Leave a Comment
David Nightingale Workshop

I'm pretty psyched today... I just finalized paying for an upcoming workshop put on by David Nightingale and organized by Dave Wilson. If you've read my review of David Nightingale's "Practical HDR" book, you'll see that I'm a big fan. His Chromasia website is awesome as well. Can't wait to find out how this guy thinks..  And, thanks Dave W. for putting this together!

S-ing to Downtown BW

Last Friday I was out trying to get some new content for the site here and I went to one of our train stations on the east side of Austin, Saltillo Plaza to be exact.  I shot a lot of stuff, but as usual, most of the stuff I captured was so-so.  But, there was something about this shot with the tracks forming an s-turn and heading into the heart of Austin that I kind of liked. The big building on the left is The Austonian, which is purportedly "the tallest residential building in Texas".

I decided to give it the old black and white treatment to give that more timeless look.  Does it work?  Times like this I like you to be the judge.  Let me know what you think.


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