Work and Windows 8Well, this is the first post on my little blog since Thanksgiving. Things have been pretty hectic. At work, we've had some crazy issues happening that has caused a bit of overtime. Without boring you with too much of the details, lets just say it's something that happens in the life of a systems administrator, but hope that it never does. I just hope what's happening at work gets better soon.
Another thing going on is that I thought I would give a shot at Windows 8, Microsoft's new operating system for tablets and desktop computers. I loaded it onto my home computer and after two weeks, you know what? I rolled back to Windows 7. I just am not impressed with the "Metro" apps and crap. I understand that it's a new operating system and we should all try to learn to like it. However, don't like having to boot to the crazy screen with the huge tiles and then having to rely on those tiles for certain "apps" such as games and stuff. And then, if you open a game such as Solitaire through those tiles, you have to login to Microsoft just to get them started and then it's a pain to try to close the game out when you are done. I still haven't figured that out. Another thing I like to do at home is sync files across multiple systems for backup. Well, if you want to map a drive to another machine and auto sync files, Windows 8 won't let it happen unless you use the built-in file sync tool which I don't like or you have to actually click on the mapped network drive of where you want to sync files to and then my 3d party file sync tool will work. I know this may not sound like much, but this new operating system just didn't seem like something that should run on a desktop. It's probably great for a tablet, which I do not own, but it seems more in tune for that. Maybe in some time, Microsoft will tweak this more for desktops as more people complain. We'll see.
Driskill Hotel Christmas CardThe shot below has been selected by the Driskill Hotel here in Austin, TX for their 2012 Christmas Card! It's also currently on a portion of their main webpage! I am pretty excited about that! I took this shot about 3 years ago and posted it on flickr, but I don't think I ever posted it here on the blog. Well now I have a reason to! I hope you like it, too! It's getting me psyched up to go back to the Driskill and get some new shots! They really do it up nice there for Christmas and they really have no problem with photographers and their tripods wandering about and shooting! It's great stuff! Thanks, Driskill Hotel! And for any of you photogs out there who follow this blog and come to town, check out the Driskill and shoot it up! You won't be disappointed! View Larger Map