Downtown Austin and Paddle Boat

February 29, 2012  •  Leave a Comment
For you other photographers out there... Have you ever processed an image, put it out on the web, came back to it and thought, "I could've done this or that better?"  Lately this is happening more and more to me.  Sometimes I find that processing an image, loading it up on the blog or Flickr or what have you without making it public for a day or so, gives me time to step away from it and re-look at it with a fresh pair of eyes.  When I have a shot that I think looks nice, often times it will look not so nice after I've let it "cook" for a while.  It's kind of like writing a paper for a class..  They always say, put it down for a while and come back to it later and you'll see some places for extra edits.  What do you think?

Back to the subject at hand... I had to come in to Austin last Saturday night for work and when I finished up, I spent a few minutes on the 1st St bridge getting a shot or two of the Austin skyline and the lake.  Here it is...  Luckily, I think this one turned out nicely after a night of letting it cook.  I don't know, maybe it's still rare and needs some more baking, but I'm gonna serve it up!

Thanks for your input and thanks for dropping by! (Click the photo for a larger view of the shot.)


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