It's been a little over a year since Eileen and I went to Epcot Center. Epcot has so much to shoot! It's like a smorgasbord for a photographer. However, for my style of photography - mostly HDR - you need to have a tripod. Epcot has no problem with that, but I did this particular day. I left the camera plate at home, but took the tripod with me.. Hence, I really had no tripod to use. That was a bummer! I can't remember why that happened now, but it did and I had to take everything hand-held. I did get several decent shots, but man, I wish I had the 'pod. Oh well. That being said, this is one of the shots I took there. I decided to turn it into a black and white because I thought the color version was a little blah. What do you think?
You can click on the picture below for a larger version of the shot and you can
click here for the color version.
Thanks for dropping by!