
June 13, 2012  •  Leave a Comment
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.... At least I hope my photographer friends Andy Atmtx and Mike Connell think so.  The reason I say this is because a few weeks ago, I went on a photowalk of the University of Texas campus in Austin with them and they took some great black and white photos.  Mike took strictly black and white for the whole walk and Andy mixed it up with both color and black and whites.  I on the other hand just took regular color snaps while meandering about the campus and most of what I came back with was crap, IMHO.  However, being a fan of black and white photography myself, I decided to imitate Andy's and Mike's ideas and converted a few of the shots I got to black and white.  I think I like them a bit better this way I think.  Maybe sometime on a subsequent walk, I will go the strict black and white route myself and see what happens.

I hope you enjoy the shots below and thanks for dropping by. I may post a few more sometime, so stay tuned!

Oh and to see the results Mike and Andy got from the walks, click the links below:

Andy's black and whites from UT

Mike's black and whites from UT

PS. The last shot below is obviously not a total black and white as I took some liberties with selective color of the door.  Red doors are cool and I just wanted to emphasize it a little...


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