So this little critter is Moby Dick to my Capt Ahab. You see, he's come around to our backyard bird feeder a few times, but whenever I try to snap a picture of him, he flies away. Well, a few weeks ago I was able to get a somewhat decent snap of him. Maybe I'll get a better one sometime, but he's rather elusive. So, since he's mostly white, he's my Moby Dick! I think this is some sort of blue budgie parakeet and I pretty much think he isn't native to Central Texas. I'm guessing someone's pet in our neighborhood must've got away. At least he's surviving because he's appeared a few times over a period of 3 - 4 months, at least. Hope he makes it through the winter!
Exif data:Camera - Fujifilm X-T1
Lens - Fujinon XC50-230mmF4.5-6.7 OIS
Focal Length - 230mm
Aperture - f6.7
Exposure - 1/1200
Exposure program - Aperture priority AE
ISO speed - 6400
Exposure bias - 0EV
Tripod - No
HDR - No
# of brackets - NA