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Taken 23-Sep-16
Visitors 7

3 of 17 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions3056 x 4584
Original file size7.57 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken23-Sep-16 15:57
Date modified27-Mar-19 13:16
Shooting Conditions

Camera makeFUJIFILM
Camera modelX-T1
Focal length18.2 mm
Focal length (35mm)27 mm
Max lens aperturef/4
Exposure1/7 at f/4.5
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure bias0 EV
Exposure modeAuto bracket
Exposure prog.Aperture priority
ISO speedISO 1600
Metering modePattern
Chicago Skyline Portrait

Chicago Skyline Portrait

Chicago skyline taken from the Signature Lounge atop the Hancock Building.